Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why do We Hate Ourselves?

Passerby, "Have you heard the news about increase in oil price" 
Stranger, "Yap! Everyday there is some hike in price. I am sick of this all"
Passerby,"Yeah! You are right. Everyday there is a new shortage"
Stranger, "Who did you vote for this election?"

Passerby, "I don't vote. I hate politics"

We, the people.

Inflation is coercing people suicide. Artificial shortages is keeping the prices high. Let alone poor, even the rich of this country is lamenting about "halaat". But we are not doing anything. We don't even vote. Why? We hate politics!

Triggered by wrong policies, terrorism is burgeoning everyday. When outside, we don't know if we will be able to get home safe. Shrines, mosques, shopping centers, universities, even kids' schools are attacked. Everyday we complain about it. But we hardly know what the causes are and how to get rid of the menace. Why? We hate politics!

Law and order situation is worsening everyday (not to mention Karachi thingy). Citizens are being killed in Balochistan. Acid is thrown on innocent women. Young girls are being raped by feudal. Poor victims' complains are gone unheard. Weak is being punished. We are sitting hand on hand. Why? We, actually, hate politics!

In the whole course, what we fail to realize is the fact that by hating politics, we, actually, hate ourselves: our mothers, our sisters, our daughters, our sons, and even our religion. Yes! I know what I am saying. Holy Prophet (S.A.W) was the greatest politician ever. He was the one who brought in the concept of welfare state. He was the one who placed the justice system. He was the one who established the rights for women.

And what more we fail to realize is that that we acquired  Pakistan due to politics. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a politician. Sir Syed Ahmed, Allama Iqbal, Liaqat Ali Khan were all politicians

Do we hate all of them?
A big No!

Actually, it is the current political system, or more precisely, the current politicians that we hate. If we want our society to be free from injustice and hatred, where people will not be judged on the basis of  what they have, but on the basis of  what they are, we need to learn, understand and love politics. It is essential for the prosperous future of our little souls.

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